Stringer's Last Stand

Bingley Little Theatre
Tues 5th March 2019 - 7.30pm
At A Glance
Event Date: 5th March 2019
Venue: Bingley Little Theatre
Price: £17.50
Running Time:
Event Start Time: 7.30pm
Bingley Little Theatre - Always a professional performance
A message from the team:
Application forms for this outing will be delivered to all members on or about 10th Jan 2019
Closing Date For Ticket Applications: 24th Jan 2019
As in Hobson's Choice, Stringer faces his implacable and wrathful family. by Stan Barstow and Alfred Bradley
Luther Stringer is the titular head of a Yorkshire working-class family of wife and three daughters – one married, one engaged, one a student. His middle daughter’s “fiance” is in bad odour with him for refusing to participate in a strike and being sent to Coventry. This, however, pales into insignificance before the hornet’s nest that is stirred up when Luther’s eldest daughter discovers an “unexpected item” in her father’s coat pocket. The women’s reaction is instant and their vengeance terrible – but the result is equally unexpected and perhaps unwelcome.
Directed by: Glen and Julie Boldy