Upper Wharfedale Concert Club

Upcoming Events

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Booking For An Outing


Booking For An Outing Is Just A Click Away!

If you are prepared to pay for your tickets by bank to bank transfer, you can now complete your booking application online via the 'Booking Form' option under the MAIN MENU on the front page of this website. It is no exaggeration to say that you can book for a concert, musical, or play, without getting out of your armchair.

If you want to give it a try, we have produced a short set of guidelines on both setting up a bank to bank transfer and completing the online booking form. Just contact treasurer@uwcc.uk 

The only limitations are that you can only book for an outing between the send out and closing dates. This is simply to ensure that members who do not have a computer/tablet/smart phone are not put at a disadvantage.