Upper Wharfedale Concert Club

Upcoming Events

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2019 Summer Newsletter


In the next month or so, The Concert Club management team will sit down and plan the Sept to Dec 2019 programme, members are very welcome to make suggestions about venues or specific up and coming performances. Simply contact Val our Team Coordinator via the usual website form and let her have your ideas.


One of our biggest costs running Concert Club is the cost of postage sending out programme information to those members for whom delivering by hand is simply not possible. However, modern technology is coming to the rescue and since the start of 2019 almost one-third of members have agreed to 'go paperless'. This means that from the next programme these members will receive all communication, including venue applications etc, via email only. If any member who has not yet gone paperless and wishes to give it a try, please contact Carol our membership secretary at membership@uwcc.uk. If at a later date you want to go back to paper delivery, that's no problem, Carol will make the necessary change back.