Upper Wharfedale Concert Club

Upcoming Events

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Enjoy An Evening Out At The Best Theatres.

Leave the car, forget the train, let a luxury coach take the strain.

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2018 Spring Newsletter

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Image description Welcome To Our New Website.

An additional place for the latest Concert Club information

Concert Club has been running for over 30 years providing residents of Upper Wharfedale with the opportunity to enjoy some of the best classical concerts, plays, ballet, and musicals put on at venues as varied as Ripon Cathedral, Bradford Alhambra, Leeds Town Hall, and many, many more. However, times are inevitably changing, prices for the ballet are getting steeper, and as older members become less able to make the journey, we need to increase our membership in order that we can keep our prices as low as possible.

To this end, we hope our new website will both inform members of what’s coming up in our new programme, but also to advertise ourselves to old and new residents. If you are currently a member you could help to boost our membership by asking yourself, is there anyone you know who might like to join us? Although our main aim is to go to a good concert or play, it is also a wonderful opportunity to get out for an evening, letting someone else do the organisation and the driving!!

How About Volunteering as an Outing Coordinator? Concert Club’s success depends on a small, committed, team of volunteers bringing together various strands of the organisation. The volunteers include our Outing Coordinators’ Team. Those of you who have been Club members for some time will be aware of the team’s importance in dealing with bookings and payments. When it comes to the event itself, the Outing Coordinator is key to your enjoyment. She/he helps to ensure all is in place for the outing so that it can be a trouble-free experience for those attending.
The Outings Coordinator Team is small in number and an outing cannot be advertised unless we have a Coordinator: the smooth running of our Programme depends on that. Fortunately, some of the team are happy to volunteer for more than one event in each season: being there as Coordinator does not spoil their enjoyment!

Of course, it would help to have more Coordinators in our team and we welcome new volunteers. As encouragement, we recently introduced a Coordinator Concession price - a 50% reduction on the outing price when they are ‘Lead Coordinator’. We also offer a ‘Buddy’ Support Scheme: whereby whenever anyone initially volunteers they will be supported by 'a buddy' an experienced coordinator who will help and support them during their first outing. In addition the Team Leader ‘mentors’ a new volunteer and familiarises them with the different tasks. It is not a very onerous job and there is plenty of help available. If you, or someone you know, would be interested in joining the Team, please contact me; Pamela Wilkinson, Outings Coordinator Team

  • outingscoordinator@uwcc.uk

  • Alternatively use the WebMail form by clicking here