Upper Wharfedale Concert Club

Upcoming Events

Send us ideas please.

Enjoy An Evening Out At The Best Theatres.

Leave the car, forget the train, let a luxury coach take the strain.

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Page Layout

An overview of the website

The page is split into three sections (green labels):

Image description

Header Section

This comprises of a background image overlaid with the Site Title and also an optional subtitle, which is currently turned off. This is the most static part of the site and most unlikely to change. Changes to the image require development and changes to the main titles require full admin rights.

Menu Section

There are seven parts to the menu:- Static Pages, Upcoming, Current, Archive, “about” (a brief label and text), Other Links, and additionally, if the user is logged on as an Admin or Editor you can get a special Admin Stuff menu for your documentation.

Content Section

This section, otherwise known as the main body is where all the detail of the page is displayed depending on what menu is clicked by the end-user.

The “Title” at the top of the Content Section is exactly the same text as the menu on the left. It is recoment to keep a Menu/Title short so that it fits on a single menu line; two at most (note “Seven Brides For Seven Brother”, which splits onto two lines).

Below the title an image can be displayed, but it is important to use web-safe images that are not to deep as that will push the textual information downwards. It is

The home page is set as the parent “Current Program” page.

Main Menu (static pages)

As the name suggests, these are menus that do not normally change and are there permanently. The content of the page they point to may occasionally change, but they themselves are more or less static. The roles of 'admin' & ‘Editor’ can change these menus and related pages.

Programme of Events ~ Upcoming / Current / Archive

This part will change regularly and it is the main focus of this document. Events are ordered by position number and are grouped together in a hierarchical form where the Parent page is the overview of the whole programme and the children pages are the detail about the individual events. There will be a page dedicated to maintaining this later.

Current Programme page – position 0 (zero)

  • First Event – position 1 (one)
  • Second Event – position 2 (two)
  • Third Event – position 3 (three)
  • Etc, etc…

Next Programme page – position 0 (zero)

  • First Event – position 1 (one)
  • Second Event – position 2 (two)
  • Third Event – position 3 (three)
  • Etc, etc…

You should always try and maintain a Current programme and its events plus the next upcoming programme once it is ready, which will appear above the current programme. As the Current Programme draws to its end, i.e. after the configured 6 months from publish date, it will automatically move into the archive menu section. The upcoming pages must have a published date 2 months before you want it ti be current

A special menu (plug-in) was developed specifically for the UWCC website and made available for other Budit administrators ~ you can read more about it here

“about” (a brief label)

This is editable by the full Admin role and will usually remain unchanged.

Other Links

This is for links to other websites that may support the club either financially or by providing a write-up to advertise the club. This is editable by the full Admin Role.