Upper Wharfedale Concert Club

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Swan Lake


The Alhambra Theatre - Bradford

Thursday 8th Nov 2018 - Matinee 2pm

At A Glance:

Event Date: 8th November 2018
Venue: Bradford Alhambra
Price: £34
Application Forms For Tickets Available: 20th August 2018
Event Start Time: 2pm Matinee

A message from the team:

Application forms for this outing will be delivered to all members on or about 20th Aug 2018 Closing Date For Ticket Applications: 3rd Sept 2018

Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake

Thrilling and audacious all-male corps-de-ballet Matthew Bourne returns Retaining the iconic elements of the original production loved by millions around the world, Matthew Bourne and award-winning designers Lez Brotherston (Set & Costumes) and Paule Constable (Lighting) create an exciting re-imagining of the classic production.

Thrilling, audacious, witty and emotive, this Swan Lake is perhaps still best known for replacing the female corps-de-ballet with a menacing male ensemble, which shattered conventions, turned tradition upside down and took the dance world by storm.

Collecting over thirty international accolades including an Olivier Award in the UK and three Tonys on Broadway, Matthew Bourne’s powerful interpretation of Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece is a passionate and contemporary Swan Lake for our times.

"Bourne at his very best. Still original. Still unmissable" ~ Metro

★★★★★ "witty, menacing, lyrical and wild" ~ Daily Telegraph

For more information: Visit the venue website here