Advance Booking?

All outings have a 'send out' date when application forms are sent to all members either via email [for members who have gone 'paperless], or through the letterbox for everyone else. This gives full details of the outing and overall price including the cost of coach transport. Don't forget however that you will only receive outing details for those types of performances that you selected on your initial membership application, i.e. Symphony Concerts/Musicals/Ballets/Plays/Operas. If you are in doubt which selections you made, contact Carol our membership secretary.
In order that we can pay the theatre in good time, each outing also has a closing date after which we are unable to accept further ticket applications. Because some venues can quickly become oversubscribed, it is best to book as soon as you can after the 'send out' date.
On Holiday or Simply Away When Ticket Application Forms Go Out?
If you will be on holiday or away when the ticket application form is planned to be sent out, for a limited number of bookings, we will accept a booking in advance via this website.
Simply contact us using the details below, letting us know your contact details, which venue and how many tickets you require and we will do the rest.
Providing you are a member:
i. We will confirm your interest by email, giving details of the Outing Coordinator for your chosen venue.
ii. Pass on your requirements to the relevant Outings Coordinator.
iii. You will need to pay for your tickets directly to the Outings Coordinator, or by bank to bank transfer, before you go on holiday.
Currently, payment for tickets is by cheque or cash to the Outing Coordinator. However, from 1st September 2019, you will be able to pay by bank transfer, but you will need to complete an initial BACS registration with us first.