Upper Wharfedale Concert Club

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Enjoy An Evening Out At The Best Theatres.

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At A Glance

Event Date: Sat 16 November 2019
Event Time: 19:30 hrs
Venue: Harrogate Theatre
Cost: £23.00
Order Tickets From: 11/09/2019
Final Date For Booking: 03/10/2019

Harrogate Symphony Orchestra (Winter Concert)


A message from the team:

Application forms for this outing will be delivered to all members on or about 11th September 2019. After this date you can now use the online Booking Form if you have arranged bank-to-bank payments. The Closing Date for ticket applications is 25th September 2019.


This wonderful evening features music from Mozart, Brahms and Tchaikovsky, including the return of one of our favourite guest soloists, violinist Bartosz Woroch.

The programme includes:

  • Overture from the Magic Flute
  • Violin Concerto
    Soloist – Bartosz Woroch

Symphony No. 6 (op74 – ‘Pathetique’)

More Information Visit: The venue website here.