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Monthly Mag - Apr 21

This will be our last edition of The Concert Club Online Magazine

We hope you have enjoyed the past content, but as lockdown slowly comes to an end, and warmer weather is on the horizon, it is time to get out of doors, into the garden, and meet friends and family.

Contents Summary:

Continue reading Bookworm
BOOK REVIEWS THIS MONTH History Of Skipton Water Supply Birth Order by Linda Blair Love & Laughter Around The World, by Rowena [Bunty] Leder Date With Death HISTORY OF SKIPTON WATER SUPPLY By Jim Crossley, Published by Pioneer press...
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Continue reading Buying Local
Buying Local
The History of Our Local Shops In A Few Hundred Words If the coronavirus taught us anything, it was just how valuable our local shops  and businesses are A New Hairdressing Salon Comes To Grassington Salon41   My name is Emma...
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Continue reading Memory Lane
Memory Lane
REMEMBERING LONDON AIRPORT I became familiar with London Airport from the age of 11  in 1954 when we moved to Hounslow.  Plane spotting for me and most of my friends was a regular thing rather than train spotting as the planes flew overhead and...
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Continue reading Finish The Story
Finish The Story
The words that start this month's story -   "The wind and rain increased in intensity as the young girl .......... STORYLINE 1 -  "The wind and rain increased in intensity as the young girl ......... dumped herself on the upright chair. “Give...
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